Unlock Healing and Deliverance within Yourself and Others
Are you seeking to deepen your skills and expand your ability to help others find lasting healing and deliverance?
Join our specialized 6-month Mentoring Intensive and embark on a transformative journey that will equip you with advanced techniques and strategies in inner healing and deliverance methodology.
You Can Coach Others Into Freedom
Learn the methodologies to build your arsenal in emotional healing. Here are a few of the topics to be covered:
In The Next 6 Months,
You Could…
The right tools and training can make all the difference. We’ll prepare you for success in the Freedom Intensive Training!
In The Next 6 Months,
You Could…
The right tools and training can make all the difference. We’ll prepare you for success in the Freedom Intensive Training!
What's included in this
Freedom Intensive Mentoring...
The Art of Freedom
God has created us in such a way that when our soul is wounded, it affects everything. Learn actionable steps that will lead the brokenhearted on the road to healing. This module will include:
You’ll finish this segment with a more complete picture of how these tools can make a difference in the lives of those suffering from emotional distress.
Minister With Confidence
With the fundamentals under your belt, the next step is to build upon those basics and begin to learn about other dynamics of a session that you may encounter. In this lesson, you’ll learn:
You’ll finish this segment ready to conduct a full session.
Coaching Techniques
The secret to coaching well is asking great questions. In this lesson, you’ll learn:
You’ll finish this lesson with your plan to launch into releasing FREEDOM.
The practicum segment is your opportunity to take all that you've learned and to begin practicing those skills on your clients. You will schedule Freedom Sessions and/or Coaching Sessions, where Tina will sit in and provide feedback to help you hone your skills and increase effectiveness. In this segment, you will:
You will finish this segment with greater confidence in your ability to coach and a road map to gain clients.
This Intensive Is For You If...
The right tools and training can make all the difference. We’ll prepare you for success in Freedom Intensive Mentoring!
This Intensive Is For You If...
The right tools and training can make all the difference. We’ll prepare you for success in the Freedom Intensive Training!
About Your Coach
I'm Tina Hester and I'm your Freedom Coach!
I have had years of leading others into emotional wholeness, helping them to overcome the wounds of their past so they can move forward, accomplishing the plans and purpose God has for them.
My journey of healing began with the Lord, as He led me in experiencing healing from feelings of unworthiness, rejection, and abandonment to name a few. Now, I carry a mandate to not only help others heal but to teach YOU how you can partner with God in leading others to freedom.
I have taught inner healing in churches, ministry schools, and colleges through the years. I'm ready to share strategies and provide you with a safe place to learn to use these tools!
I will teach you how to lead others into freedom and how to ask powerful, Spirit-led questions that will bring breakthroughs and healing!
Wow, I’m not sure where to start. So many Wonderful Aspects. First I want to say it is a safe environment to practice everything you learn including tools and concepts . A loving community of new connections that have the same interest in bringing freedom to others. It brought me closer intimacy with the Lord. It’s a deep prayer ministry. Bringing healing, freedom and deliverance to many including yourself.
If you want to grow and be stretched in a good way and bring His kingdom to the Earth then I suggest that you be a student of freedom coaching intensive. It will build confidence knowledge and intimacy with the Lord.
June C.
Life Coach
In 2021, I got the Carona virus. I almost died, but I recovered. I was left with a blood clot and I was very afraid. My entire staff were infected and I was overwhelmed with emotions. I just became terribly afraid; life seemed so fragile.
Talking to a friend she said I sounded like I needed inner healing. I was not only stressed for myself, I was stressed for my clients also.
The next day I did a little research and found Onpoint coaching. I had my session and could not believe how relieved I felt. I later did the basic class and then moved on to the advance class.
I now use this practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist in my counselling sessions. It has not only changed my life, but some of my clients as well. I would encourage any one to take these classes, it has blessed my life and equipped me for ministry.
Candace R.
Professional Counselor
Tina Hester offered Basic SOZO training. That flowed into an online SOZO Plus group and the next step was The Freedom Coaching Intensive.
The lessons were interesting and included more topics than SOZO. It was a great overview of what problems were out there and what could be possible solutions. Every session is different.
Since I didn't see how I was going to use this as an artist, I was a big chicken when it came to our practice time. I just didn't feel ready to step into a lead role. This group was so encouraging and helpful that I eventually did lead. My confidence grew. I learned how I listen to Holy Spirit. How to ask the right questions, what tool to use and when, when to wait, how to facilitate connection with the Godhead for the client, how to end in a peaceful place, how to record the truths that God had spoken.
Jean S.
Freedom Intensive Mentoring
We are still offering this training at a SPECIAL rate. Invest in your future TODAY by getting equipped.
Payment plans are also available and consist of three (3) monthly payments. To discuss enrolling in the payment plan, contact our office directly at hello@onpointlifecoaching.com or schedule an appointment here.
While we understand that challenges may occur, please understand that payment is non-refundable. If you opted for a payment plan, payment plans will continue until full payment is completed. You may, however, be allowed to enroll in the next class to continue your studies.
We offer a limited number of partial scholarships. Contact us at admin@onpointlifecoaching.com to discuss, if you are a candidate for the partial scholarship program. (Serious inquiries only.)
We recommend participants have already taken the Basic Sozo Training prior to participating in the Freedom Intensive Training. If you have not taken the Basic Sozo Training, please contact us hello@onpointlifecoaching.com and we will help you meet the requirements.
You must successfully complete each module, demonstrating an understanding of the tools. Like anything in life, you will get out of this intensive what you put into it. The results you get are up to you. We can promise that if you commit to the process and put in the work, you will see results. We are here to help you succeed! Certification will only be issued upon meeting FIM's requirements.
Yes! You will receive a $25 credit good for any of our online trainings for each friend you send our way.
We will meet on Zoom every other Monday evening (1st & 3rd Mondays) at 6:30 pm EST. The alternating Mondays (2nd & 4th), you will be forwarded the pre-recorded training.
We’re so glad you loved the Freedom Intensive Training. You can take advantage of additional 1-on-1 mentoring as needed. Contact us at hello@onpointlifecoaching.com
Do you have additional questions?
Contact us by email at hello@onpointlifecoaching.com or consider scheduling an appointment to discuss.
Freedom Intensive Mentoring is a part of On Point Life Coaching's training division.
Contact Us
2208 Hanfred Lane
Suite 101-165
Tucker, GA 30084
Telephone: (770) 613-3855
Open Hours
Mon-Fri: 7 AM – 5 PM
Saturday: 8 AM – 12 PM
Sunday: Closed
On Point Life Coaching, LLC All Rights Reserved.